Delta Executor


Congratulations! You've reached the final step of the process. Now, all you need to do is click on the button below to proceed with the installation of the executor.

No mobile device detected

Please open this website on your iPhone.

Delta Executor will be injected into the
Roblox App
on this current device


How does it work?

Jailbreak itself is getting control over the root and media partition of your iDevice; where all the iOS's files are stored at. To do so /private/etc/fstab must be patched. fstab is the switch room of your iDevice, controlling the permission of the root and media partition. The default is 'read-only', allowing eyes and no hands. To be able to modify the root and media partition we must set the fstab to 'read-write', allowing eyes and hands (on the root and media partitions).

Our site simplifies this process by injecting the required fsab files via your webbrowser. Jailbreak your iPhone in seconds!